About Us
Welcome to St. John!
Our hope is that from the moment you encounter one of our members, walk through our doors, visit our website or facebook page, join us ministry, or worship with us, you feel you have found a community of faith to nurture and grow with you as you seek to grow in faith.
Who We Are
St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church has been worshiping together in Killdeer since 1917. Young and old, lifelong Lutherans, people who grew up in other faith traditions, and people who are new to the faith are all a vital part of this community of faith. All people are welcome to worship and learn and be fed by the story of God’s love for the world.
Our Beliefs
We are part of the Western North Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We are one of three churches in the Dunn County Lutheran Parish. The other churches in our parish are Halliday and Normanna Lutheran, Dunn Center.
As Christians who are Lutheran, we believe Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord who has freed us from sin, death, and fear of every kind. In the first century, Christ died and broke free of his own grave so that we might know and trust God’s promise of peace, salvation, and abundance. We confess God as three persons: Father the creator, Son the forgiver, and Holy Spirit the sustainer.
We confess our faith in the Holy Scriptures, Apostles’ Creed, Athanasian Creed, and Nicene Creed, as well as the teachings of Martin Luther and others in the Book of Concord.
Weekly, we gather to worship as one community of faith in order that we might praise God and grow in faith and discipleship. We worship so that we might find the pattern of our daily lives look a little more like God would have them look, and that our hearts might be a little more like God would have them be, and that our actions might be little more like God would have them be.
Worship at St. John
Our community is centered around worship. Our worship is gifted by various talented musicians, musical groups, and artistic expressions throughout the year. Assisted-listening devices are available at all services – please ask an usher for assistance.
We worship together on Sundays and Wednesdays
Sundays at 9:00 a.m., followed by Fellowship Hour
Throughout the school year we host regular educational opportunities as well:
Tuesdays 3:30 p.m. Bible Study
Wednesdays All-Ages Church School 3:15-5:30 p.m.
Worship at Normanna
Sundays at 10:30am
Holy Communion
Holy Communion is offered at each worship service. We believe the bread and the wine give us a real taste of God’s grace, recalling the death of Christ that grants forgiveness of sins. All who believe in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ are welcome at the Lord’s Table for Holy Communion. We begin first Communion classes at 1st grade. We encourage families to visit with our pastor to learn about Holy Communion before communing for the first time.
Children in Worship
Hospitality is one of our congregation’s core values. All are welcome at worship, including small, loud, fidgety believers. There are worship bags with fun stuff to do available for kids. There is also a nursery down the hallway from the sanctuary for little ones who may find that more worshipful.
Find Us On Social Media
Facebook Pages:
Instagram Page:
If you are interested in learning more about our church or becoming a member, please email us at stjohnlu@ndsupernet.com